TEMS’ staff of economists, system analysts, engineers, and professional managers have extensive experience in executing projects of all scopes and sizes throughout North America and abroad. One of TEMS’ strengths is the ability to provide clients with consultants who not only possess excellent theoretical knowledge, but also have practical, hands-on experience in operational environments. TEMS uses its extensive industry experience to develop systems that provide an interface between tactical, day-to-day management problems and overall strategic corporate and public goals of the industry. TEMS' systems are user-friendly and easily accessible by engineers and planners with little or no computer expertise. They prioritize the decision-making process and interact directly with both existing and developing databases. TEMS has:
Developed the COMPASS© integrated modeling software system for air, rail, transit, and highway demand forecasting that can be customized to fit a client’s specific needs.
Developed powerful operation planning and capacity analysis tools for rail planning by Departments of Transportation and railroad companies.
Gained extensive experience with high-speed rail operations currently in use in Europe with ridership forecasts validated by actual ridership.
Conducted more than 50 rail, high-speed rail, and Maglev studies in the United States.
Introduced the application of Stated Preference techniques and Economic Rent theory to rail planning in North America. Created financial and economic evaluation models used for business planning and for selecting multi-modal strategies.
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