is an innovator in systems and software design. TEMS uses its extensive
industry experience to
develop systems that provide an interface between tactical, day-to-day
management problems and overall
corporate and public goals of the industry. TEMS systems are
user-friendly and easily accessible by
engineers and planners with little or no computer expertise. They
prioritize the decision-making process
and interact directly with both existing and developing databases.
TEMS designed
the RightTrack© Business Planning System,
a suite of software that operates interactively
to formulate alternative scenarios in order to optimize outcomes by
balancing capital investment and projected
ridership and revenue. TEMS' team of experienced specialists analyze
the output generated by the system and make informed recommendations
to clients from federal, state, and local government agencies; railroad
companies; international development organizations; banks; and a wide
range of industrial and commercial companies.
The RightTrack© system is designed
to interface with condensed profiles, timetables, track condition,
other databases already in existence. The system incorporates an Interactive
Analysis that allows a wide
range of demand, revenue, technology, service levels, capital investment,
and right-of-way condition issues
to be assessed by a what if evaluation of possible options.
In this way, fatal flaws can be identified
and more favorable options developed.
RightTrack© enables transportation
planners to:
Develop realistic operating strategies that relate
ridership and revenues to a specific level and quality
of service. Rapidly evaluate and re-evaluate different route (speed),
technology (speed), operations
(service levels), and ridership (fare) options. Identify the capital
investment needed to maintain track
and other infrastructure at the optimum level for a given rail service.
Interpret traveler behavior to
determine the level and quality of service that create incentives
for train use. Maximize ridership and
revenues while minimizing costs by achieving a balance among service,
operations, and infrastructure
investment. Evaluate projects in terms of their financial return,
user benefits, and the increase in jobs,
income, and development opportunities.
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