TEMS (Transportation Economics & Management Systems, Inc.) is a leader in Operations Planning, Demand Forecasting, Economic Analysis, Infrastructure Management, and Systems Development. The company has developed a reputation in interstate modeling, particularly using stated preference surveys that provide input to demand modeling systems applying proprietary computer software models and techniques. TEMS’ clients include federal, state and local transportation agencies; railroad companies and transit authorities; international development organizations; investment and commercial banks; and a wide range of private sector companies throughout North America and abroad.
TEMS provides specialized management, planning, market research, economic, and systems technology consulting services. Wholly owned and operated by its principals for more than 10 years, the practice is built around four areas of transportation consultation: Operation planning and capacity analysis
Ridership demand and revenue forecasting
Economic impact assessment
Financial analysis and business plan development.
Within each of these areas, the firm has established and merged modern interactive computer systems with advanced and proven analytical techniques. TEMS designed the RightTrack© Business Planning System, a suite of interactive software that formulates alternative scenarios in order to optimize outcomes by balancing capital investment and projected ridership and revenue. TEMS’ team of experienced specialists analyze the output generated by the system and makes informed recommendations to clients.
TEMS uses its extensive industry experience to develop systems that provide an interface between tactical, day-to-day management problems and overall corporate and public goals of the industry. TEMS’ systems are user-friendly and easily accessible by engineers and planners with little or no computer expertise. They prioritize the decision-making process and interact directly with both existing and developing databases.
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