TRACKMAN© Track Inventory System 

This corridor track inventory and assessment system analyzes track infrastructure and estimates the cost of upgrading for various scenarios. It stores, on a milepost by milepost basis--data on track condition and track geometry such as curvature, gradient, and turnouts; structures such as bridges, crossings, and stations; maximum operating speeds; and contains a database of the unit costs of infrastructure
components for engineering improvements, which allows the user to identify an infrastructure upgrade program and accurately forecast the cost. The database covers a wide range of improvements for track, curves, bridges, earthworks, grade crossings, signaling, fencing, station, and other facility costs. The database allows for infrastructure improvements to both branch and mainline operations as well as conventional, intermediate, and high-speed train operations.

TRACKMAN© interacts with other TEMS software systems.
TRACKMAN© stores -on a milepost-by-milepost-basis information on track
condition and track geometry such as curvature, gradient, and turnouts; information
on structures such as bridges, crossings, and stations; maximum operating
speed limits, and unit cost data for engineering improvements.



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