Some of the recent major Port and Freight Studies conducted by TEMS include:

Maritime Administration/USDOT, Impact of High Oil Prices on Freight Transportation: Modal Shift Study

Panama Canal Route Choice/Demand Model

Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway New Cargoes-New Vessels Market Assessment

Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway System New Cargoes-New Vessels Scoping Study

BC Ferry Services, Inc.: Revenue Yield for Selected Routes

Hamilton Marine Services: Three Route Analysis

Port Erie to Port Dover Fast Ferry Feasibility Study

Lake Erie Passenger and Freight Ferry - Economic Impact Study

Lake Erie Freight Ferry Feasibility Study

Paine Webber & Goldman Sachs: North American Ports Model

San Pedro Ports: Alameda Freight Corridor (Regional)

The Abell Foundation, Port of Baltimore: Fast Ship Technology Review

BC Ferry Corporation: Price Elasticity Study

City of Rochester Economic Development Department and City of Toronto Economic Development Corporation: Analysis of Lake Ontario Fast Ferry Service

Toronto-Rochester Waterfront Business Plan

Detroit-Windsor Tunnel Corp, Windsor-Detroit Tunnel Study (Regional)


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